Thursday, January 17, 2019

HISTORY-Ch 8 Civilising the "Native", Educating the Nation

    HISTORY-Ch 8 Civilising the "Native", Educating the Nation 


William Jones                         promotion of English education
Rabindranath Tagore            respect for ancient cultures
Thomas Macaulay                 learning in a natural environment
Mahatma Gandhi                   gurus
Pathshalas  critical of English educati


William jones

Respect for ancient culture

Rabindernath Tagore

Learning in natural environment

Thomas Macaulay

Promotion of english education

Mahatma Gandhi

Critical of English education



Q2.State weather true or false 


(a) James Mill was a severe critic of the Orientalists. True

(b) The 1854 Despatch on education was in favour of English being introduced as a medium of higher education in India. True

(c) Mahatma Gandhi thought that promotion of literacy was the most important aim of education. False

(d) Rabindranath Tagore felt that children ought to be subjected to strict discipline. False

Q3. Why did William Jones feel the need to study Indian history, philosophy and law?
Answer -William Jones felt the need to study Indian history, philosophy and law as this will not only help the British learn from Indian culture but it would also help Indian to rediscover their own heritage and understand the lost glories of their past. 
Q4. Why did James Mill and Thomas Macaulay think that European education was essential in India? 
  (1)Macaulay felt that knowledge of English would allow Indians to read some of the finest        literature the world had produced. It would make them aware of the developments in Western Science and philosophy.
 (2)James Mill felt that the aim of education should be to teach what was useful and practical. So    Indians should be made familiar with the scientific and technical advances that the West had made.

(3)They also felt that introducing the Indians to European ways of life, would change their tastes and desires, and create a demand for British goods, for Indians would begin to appreciate and buy things that were produced in Europe.

5. Why did Mahatma Gandhi want to teach children handicrafts?
Answer -Mahatma Gandhi wanted to teach children handicraft because that would develop their minds and their capacity to understand. This would also enable them to know how different things operated. This would help them to have lived experience and practical knowledge.
 6. Why did Mahatma Gandhi think that English education had enslaved Indians? 
Answer: Mahatma Gandhi argued that colonial education created a sense of inferiority in the minds of Indians. It made them see Western civilisation as superior and destroyed the pride they had in their own culture. Gandhi thought that there was poison in English education. And it was sinful, it enslaved Indians and cast an evil spell on them.
 The English education institutes were entirely charmed by the West and they appreciated everything from the West. The Indians educated from such institutions began admiring British rule. Mahatma Gandhi wante.
Question.1. Name the different languages that William Jones studied.
Answer. Greek, Latin, English, French, Arabic and Persian.
uestion.2. Why was the Hindu College established in Benaras?
Answer. The Hindu College was established in Benaras to encourage the study of ancient Sanskrit texts that would be useful for the. administration of the country.
Question.3. Name two individuals who sharply attacked the Orientalists.
Answer. James Mill and Thomas Babington Macaulay.
Question.4. Name the places where the British established universities.
Answer. Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.
question.5 .What do you mean by Tagore’s abode of peace?
Answer. Tagore’s Shantniketan was established in a rural setting, 100 kilometres away from Calcutta. He viewed his school as an abode of peace where living in harmony with nature, children would cultivate their natural creativity.
Question.6 .How did Tagore view his school namely Shantniketan?
Answer. He viewed his school as an abode of peace where living in harmony with nature, children would cultivate their natural creativity.
Question 7.What is meant by an Orientalist?
Answer:Orientalists were those who were having scholarly knowledge of the language and culture of Asia.
Question 8:Why did Mahatma Gandhi want to teach children handicrafts?

Answer:Mahatma Gandhi wanted to teach children handicraft because of the following reasons:

  • People would work with their hands.
  • The craft would develop their minds.
  • It would also develop their capacities to understand.
Question 9 :Who is linguist?

Ans. Linguist is someone who knows and studies several languages

Q10 Who started the journal Asiatic researchs?

Ans. Jones set up the Asiatic Society of Bengal, and started a journal called Asiatick Researches.

Q11. What does maddeasa mean?

Ans. Madrasa is an Arabic word for a place of learning; any type of school or college.

Q12.  Who was William Carey?

Ans. William Carey was a Scottish missionary who helped establish the Serampore Mission.

Question 13: What measures were taken by the English Education Act of 1835?

Ans:The following measures were taken under the English Education Act 1835:

  1. English was made the medium of instruction for higher education.
  2. Promotion of Oriental institutiohs like the Calcutta Madrasa and Benaras Sanskrit College was stopped. These institutions were seen as temples of darkness that were falling of themselves into decay.
  3. English textbooks began to be produced for schools.

Question 14 . What measures were taken by the British after issuing of Wood’s Despatch?
Answer:Following meas were taken:

  1. Education departments of the government were set up to extend control over all matters regarding education.
  2. A system of universities education was introduced. Universities were established in Calcutta, Madras and Bombay.
  3. Attempts were also made to bring about changes within the system of school education.


1854-Wood’s Despatch

1835-English education Act

1781 –Calcutta Madrasa

1791 – Banaras Hindu college

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