Question 1.
Answer the following questions.
(i) Why are resources distributed unequally over the earth?
Ans: Earth has different topography, climate and altitude at different places. The difference in these factors has resulted in unequal distribution of resources on the earth. Also, all these factors differ from place to place on the planet.
ii) What is resource conservation?
Ans: Saving resources for future generations is called conservation. It is the protection and ethical use of valuable resource such as minerals, water, trees, wildlife and others. Resource conservation is the concept of using resources carefully so that they do not end up quickly.
(ii) What is resource development?
Ans: Resource development is the method of utilising our intelligence in order to improve the quality, usability and utility of a resource.
(iii) Why are human resources important?
Ans: Human as a resource are important because they have the ability to extract value from all other resources. They can make the best use of nature to create more resources, as they have the knowledge skill and technology to do so. Education and good health help in making humans a valuable resource.
(iv) What is sustainable development?
Ans: Balancing the need to use resources and also conserving them for the future is called sustainable development.
Carefully utilising resources so that besides meeting the requirements of the present, also takes care of future generations.
Extra Questions
1.What are the principles of sustainable development?
Ans. Following are the principle of sustainable development.
1.Respect and care for all forms of life
2.Improve the quality of human life
3. Conserve the earth’s vitality and diversity
4. Minimise the depletion of natural resources
5. Change personal attitude and practices towards the environment
6. Enable communities to care for their own environment.
Key Words /glossary:-
• Utility: A substance has utility if it can be used in any possible way to satisfy our needs.
• Value: Worth of a substance assessed on the basis of utility.
• Patent: It applies to the exclusive right over any idea or invention.
• Resource: Any substance having utility in any way is a resource.
• Technology: The application of the latest knowledge and skills in doing or making things is called technology.
• Natural Resource: Natural resources are those that are taken from nature.
• Actual Resource: An actual resource is one which is used currently and whose quantity is known.
• Potential Resource: A potential resource is one whose utility is not known at present or is not used despite having utility: instead it may be useful at some time in future.
• Abiotic Resource: An abiotic resource is a non-living resource.
• Biotic Resource: A biotic resource is a living resource.
• Renewable Resource: A renewable resource can be used without any risk of its ending up because they exist in unlimited quantity.
• Non-renewable Resource: A non-renewable resource is one which is present in limited quantity.
• Ubiquitous Resource: A ubiquitous resource is one that is found everywhere.
• Localised Resource: A resource that is found only in certain parts of the world and not everywhere.
• Human-made Resource:Resources invented by human beings by using their intelligence are called human made resources.
• Human Resources: A human being who can contribute to his family, society, or economy is called a. human resource.
• Human Resource Development: Human resource development refers to the improvement of people’s skills so that they become more useful than before and are a better resource.
• Stock of Resource: The amount of resource, available for use is called its stock.
• Resource Conservation: Resource conservation is the concept of using resources carefully so that they do not end up quickly.
• Sustainable Development: It is the concept of using resources in a balanced way so that our purpose is solved, as well as they are also conserved for the future.
• Value: Worth of a substance assessed on the basis of utility.
• Patent: It applies to the exclusive right over any idea or invention.
• Resource: Any substance having utility in any way is a resource.
• Technology: The application of the latest knowledge and skills in doing or making things is called technology.
• Natural Resource: Natural resources are those that are taken from nature.
• Actual Resource: An actual resource is one which is used currently and whose quantity is known.
• Potential Resource: A potential resource is one whose utility is not known at present or is not used despite having utility: instead it may be useful at some time in future.
• Abiotic Resource: An abiotic resource is a non-living resource.
• Biotic Resource: A biotic resource is a living resource.
• Renewable Resource: A renewable resource can be used without any risk of its ending up because they exist in unlimited quantity.
• Non-renewable Resource: A non-renewable resource is one which is present in limited quantity.
• Ubiquitous Resource: A ubiquitous resource is one that is found everywhere.
• Localised Resource: A resource that is found only in certain parts of the world and not everywhere.
• Human-made Resource:Resources invented by human beings by using their intelligence are called human made resources.
• Human Resources: A human being who can contribute to his family, society, or economy is called a. human resource.
• Human Resource Development: Human resource development refers to the improvement of people’s skills so that they become more useful than before and are a better resource.
• Stock of Resource: The amount of resource, available for use is called its stock.
• Resource Conservation: Resource conservation is the concept of using resources carefully so that they do not end up quickly.
• Sustainable Development: It is the concept of using resources in a balanced way so that our purpose is solved, as well as they are also conserved for the future.
Thank you sir