Thursday, January 17, 2019

CIVICS:Ch 9- Public Facilities

Q1. Why do you think there are so few cases of private water supply in the world?
 Answer There are very few cases of private water supply in the world because water is an essential amenity. Water supply is a public facility that every government must provide to all citizens of a State. In cases where water supply was placed in the hands of private companies, the prices of water rose, making it unaffordable to the masses. This resulted in riots, protests and violent demonstrations in countries like Bolivia. Hence, it has been deemed best that the government must handle water supply services.
Q2. Do you think water in Chennai is available to and affordable by all? Discuss.
 Answer Water in Chennai is not available to and affordable by all. Senior government officials in areas like Anna Nagar can get a whole water tanker arranged for themselves; most areas like Mylapore get water once in two days; in Madipakkam, people buy bottled water for drinking purposes but the situation is the worst in slums. Here, water supply runs for barely an hour everyday from a single tap serving over thirty families for all their water needs.
Q 3. How is the sale of water by farmers to water dealers in Chennai affecting the local people? Do you think local people can object to such exploitation of ground water? Can the government do anything in this regard?
 Answer The sale of water by farmers to water dealers in Chennai is affecting the local people in various ways:
1) The water they are taking away is for irrigation of agriculture. Because of this exploitation irrigation and so, agriculture is bound to suffer.
2)This water is also for general supply and drinking purpose of the villagers.
3)As a result of the heavy exploitation of water, the ground water levels dropped drastically in these areas. the local people can object to such heavy exploitation of ground water  The Government needs to play a crucial role to find out a suitable alternative in this regard.
Q 4. Why are most of the private hospitals and private schools located in major cities and not in towns or rural areas?
Answer The distribution of public facilities in our country is inadequate and largely unfair. For example, urban areas are provided with and consume more electricity than villages or townships. Most metropolitan cities consume vast amounts of power for market-places, multiplexes and air-conditioning while villages and towns bear huge power-cuts even in summer so much so that there is no electricity available to them for domestic purposes too.
Q5. Private educational institutions - schools, colleges, universities, technical and vocational training institutes are coming up in our country in a big way. On the other hand, educational institutes run by the government are becoming relatively less important. What do you think would be the impact of this? Discuss.
 Answer -Private educational institutions levy very high fees, which only affluent people can afford. So quality education will be the right of only the rich. If educational institutions run by the government are not up to the mark, the weaker sections of the society are deprived of quality education. The end result of this disparity will be that only the rich will get good education while the poor will be deprived of it.

extra question:
Mention some public facilities that are provided by the government.

Answer:Public facilities provided by the government are:- Health care
Which Article in the Indian Constitution recognises the ‘right to water’?

Answer:The Constitution of India recognises the right to water as being a part of the Right to Life under Article 21.
What is Universal Access to water?
Answer:Every person, rich or poor, has the right to sufficient amount of water to meet their daily needs, at a price they can afford. This is known as Universal Access to water.
What are the characteristics of Public facilities?
Answer:The benefits of public facility can be shared by many people. Government schools enable many children to get educated. The supply of electricity is essential for all households. Farmers can run pump sets to irrigate their fields; people open small workshops that run on electricity.
Public transport help people commute at an affordable price. Public parks and libraries provide recreation for the citizens. Health care and sanitation are essential for a healthy life.

Answer:Mention some public facilities that only the government can provide and maintain.
Water supply
How does the government raise fund to provide public facilities?
Answer:The main source of income for the government is through the tax it collects from the citizens.
Some of the types of taxes the government collects are………..
Income Tax
Property Tax
Sales Tax
Excise Duty
Water Tax
Vehicle Tax
With the revenue from the tax collected, the government provides the public facilities mentioned earlier.
What is a Government Budget?
Answer:The government plans its expenditure, making a clear statement on the amount of money it is going to spend on each facility.
This statement is called the ‘Government Budget’ and is presented in the Parliament and Legislature every year in the month February / March.
What is sanitation?

Answer:Sanitation is measures taken up by the government to protect public health through proper solid waste disposal, sewage disposal, and cleanliness during food processing and preparation.
Write a short note on Sulabh International.
Answer:Sulabh International is an Indian based social service organization which works to promote human rights, environmental sanitation, non-conventional sources of energy, waste management and social reforms through education. Sulabh was founded by Dr. Bindeshwar Pathak in 1970 and has 50,000 volunteers.
The organization constructs and maintains pay-&-use public toilets, popularly known as Sulabh Complexes with bath, laundry and urinal facilities being used by about ten million people every day.
There are more than 7,500 public toilet blocks and 1.2 million private toilets. The majority of the users of Sulabh facilities are from the poor working class.


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