Sunday, May 17, 2020

Class 8 HISTORY Chapter 2 - From Trade To Territory

      Class 8 Social science Chapter 2 -                  From Trade To Territory

                                                 TEXT BOOK QUESTIONS

Question 1:

Match the following:
Tipu Sultan
“Tiger of Mysore”
right to collect land revenue
faujdari adalat
Rani Channamma
criminal court
led an anti-British movement in Kitoor

right to collect land revenue
“Tiger of Mysore”
Tipu Sultan
faujdari adalat
criminal court
Rani Channamma
led an anti-British movement in Kitoor

Question 2:

Fill in the blanks:
(a) The British conquest of Bengal began with the Battle of ___________.
(b) Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan were the rulers of ___________.
(c) Dalhousie implemented the Doctrine of ____________.
(d) Maratha kingdoms were located mainly in the __________ part of India.
(a) The British conquest of Bengal began with the Battle of Plassey.
(b) Haidar Ali and Tipu Sultan were the rulers of Mysore.
(c) Dalhousie implemented the Doctrine of Lapse.
(d)Maratha kingdoms were located mainly in the South-Western part of India.

Question 3:State whether true or false

  1. The Mughal empire became stronger in the eighteenth century.
  2. The English East India Company was the only European company that traded with India.
  3. Maharaja Ranjit Singh was the ruler of Punjab.
  4. The British did not introduce administrative changes in the territories they conquered.
Answer: (a) False, (b) False, (c) True, (d) False

Question 4:What attracted European trading companies to India?


European trading companies were attracted due to the following reasons:
  1. Cheap and fine quality of silk and cotton.
  2. For spices like pepper, cloves, cardamom and cinnamon etc.

Question 5:What were the areas of conflict between the Bengal nawabs and the East India Company?

Answer : these were :
1)The Bengal nawabs wanted tributes from the Company in lieu of granting the right to trade.
2) The Company was forbidden from minting its own coins and from expanding fortifications. 
3)The Company wanted to expand its settlement and wanted special privileges
4)The nawabs refused to grant the Company concessions, demanded large tribute. and stopped it from extending its fortifications.

Question 6:How did the assumption of Diwani benifted East India Company ?

Ans The assumption of the Diwani, East India Company was benefited in several ways as mentioned below:

(i) It allowed the Company to use the vast revenue resources of Bengal.

(ii) Company used the revenues from India to finance its expenses like to purchase cotton and silk textiles in India, maintain Company troops, and meet the cost of building the Company fort and offices at Calcutta.

(ii)The outflow of gold and silver from Britain was stopped. 

Question 7:Explain the system of “subsidiary alliance”.

Answer.According to this alliance, Indian rulers were not allowed to have their independent armed forces. The Company army was to protect the Indian state but the ruler had to pay for the “subsidiary forces”. If an Indian ruler failed to make the payment, then part of his territory was taken away as penalty. For example; Awadh and Hyderabad were forced to cede territories on this ground.

Question 8:In what way was the administration of the Company different from that of Indian rulers?

The Company's  administration :
1.the British territories were divided into administrative units called Presidencies eg.Bengal, Madras and Bombay.
2. Each Presidency was ruled by a Governor and district Collectors.
3.The supreme head of the administration was the Governor-General

The Indian rulers administration.
1.Indian rulers administration was divided into four parts – District (Zila), Paragana, Tehsil and Villages
2. King or Nawab was the supreme head of administration.
Question 9-Describe the changes that occurred in the composition of the Company’s army
Answer: 1)The infantry regiment became more important. 
2)In the early nineteenth century the British began to develop a uniform military culture.
 3)Soldiers were given European-style training drills and discipline. Now, drill and discipline that regulated their life far more than before.
4 )The soldiers were armed with muskets and matchlocks
5)the cavalry needs of the Company’s army declined, because the British empire was fighting in Burma, Afghanistan, and Egypt..
Extra Questions 
1.Who was called ‘nabobs’?
Several Company officials returned to Britain with wealth and led flashy lives and showed their riches with great pride. They were called “nabobs’.
2.Who were the Residents?
The Residents were the political or commercial agents and their job was to serve and further the interests of the Company.
3.What was Lord Dalhousie’s Doctrine of Lapse?
If an Indian ruler died without a male heir his kingdom would become the part of Company territory.

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