Saturday, July 25, 2020

NCERT Class -8 Social Science ( History ) Chapter 4 : Tribals , Dikus and the Vision of Golden Age

    Chapter  4 : Tribals , Dikus and the Vision of Golden Age



Question 1.
Fill in the blanks:

1.    The British described the tribal people as …………

2.    The method of sowing seeds in jhum cultivation is known as …………….

3.    The tribal chiefs got …………. titles in central India under the British land settlements.

4.    Tribals went to work in the………….. of Assam and the ……………… in Bihar.


1.    Wild and savage

2.    broadcast

3.    land

4.    tea plantations, coal mines

Question 2.
State whether true or false:

1.    Jhum cultivators plough the land and sow seeds.

2.    Cocoons were bought from the Santhals and sold by the traders at five times the purchase price.

3.    Birsa urged his followers to purify themselves, give up drinking liquor, and stop believing in witchcraft and sorcery.

4.    The British wanted to preserve the tribal way of life.


1.    False

2.    True

3.    True

4.    False


Q3. What problems did shifting cultivators face under British rule?


1)The British extended their control over all forests

2) They declared that forests were state property. Some forests were classified as Reserved Forests for they produced timber which the British wanted.

3)In these forests people were not allowed to move freely and practise jhum cultivation. As a result, many jhum cultivators had to move to other areas in search of work eg. mining ,plantation, and labor

Question 4. How did the powers of tribal chiefs change under colonial rule?

Answer: Under the British rule, the functions and powers of these tribal chiefs changed to a great extent:

1.They were allowed to keep their land titles over a cluster of villages and rent out lands, but they lost much of their administrative power and were forced to follow laws made by British officials in India.

3.They had to pay tribute to the British and discipline the tribal groups on behalf of the British.

4.They lost the authority they had earlier enjoyed amongst their people, and were unable to fulfil their traditional functions.

Question 5. What accounts for the anger of the tribals against the dikus?

Answer: The tribals wanted to drive out the dikus, missionaries, moneylenders, Hindu landlords, and the government because they saw them as the cause of their misery. The following facts account for their anger against the dikus:

1.The land policies of the British were destroying their traditional land system.

2.Hindu landlords and moneylenders were taking over their land.

3.Missionaries were criticising their traditional culture.

Question 6.What was Birsa’s vision of a golden age? Why do you think such a vision appealed to the people of the region?

Answer:Birsa’s vision of golden age was to have their land free of dikus. He considered that age to be the ‘age of truth’. According to Birsa, in the golden age, the tribal sirdars will be able to rule among themselves and no one will be there to dictate terms to them. His golden age vision was to have an age with no vices like liquor, witchcraft, sorcery and uncleanliness. He did not want any role of outsider participants like missionaries, Hindu landlords, moneylenders, traders and Europeans.

Extra question

Q1.What were the activities of the Tribals?

Ans : Tribal people in different parts of India were involved in a variety of activities like -

·         Shifting Cultivation

·         Hunting & Gathering forest produce

·         Herding animals settled cultivation

Q2. Who were Mundas?

Ans. Mundas was a tribal group that lived in Chottanagpur.

Q3. What is the other name of jhum cultivation?

Ans. The other name of Jhum cultivation is shifting cultivation


Ans. Fallow field is a field left uncultivated for a while so that the soil recovers fertility.

Q5. Why did the British introduce land settlement?

Ans. The British introduced land settlement because they wanted a regular revenue source for the state.

Q6. Why did the British introduce land settlement?

Ans. The British introduced land settlement because they wanted a regular revenue source for the state.

Q 7. For what purpose Kusum and plash flowers are used.


(b) Extracting oil from the seeds

(c) Cooking and making food

(d) All of these

Ans: (a )

Q8.What were the Santhal of Hazaribagh?

Options :

A) cultivated small patches of land

(b) reared silkworm

(c)  Pastoralist

(d) None of these


Q9. Which region did the Gujjar and bakarwal belog to?


(a) Punjab

(b) Jammu and Kashmir

 (c) Tamil Nadu

(d) Tripura


Q10.Birsa belong to which tribal group?


(b) Santhal


(d) Khond

Ans: c






Map skill : Mark the following tribes in political map of india.

1) Baiga







8)Van Gujjar











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